I have
always been a fan of Frank Ticheli’s Angels in the Architecture. Ticheli’s
notes read
‘angel’ — represented by the singer—frames the work, surrounding it with a
protective wall of light and establishing the divine. Other representations of
light — played by instruments rather than sung—include a traditional Hebrew
song of peace (“Hevenu Shalom Aleichem”) and the well-known 16th-century
Genevan Psalter, “Old Hundredth.” These three borrowed songs, despite their
varied religious origins, are meant to transcend any one religion, representing
the more universal human ideals of peace, hope, and love. An original chorale,
appearing twice in the work, represents my own personal expression of these
In opposition,
turbulent, fast-paced music appears as a symbol of darkness, death, and
spiritual doubt. Twice during the musical drama, these shadows sneak in almost
unnoticeably, slowly obscuring, and eventually obliterating the light
altogether. The darkness prevails for long stretches of time, but the light
always returns, inextinguishable, more powerful than before.
I had my
iPod on shuffle as I was cleaning my house and beginning to wrap my brain
around the week ahead… While this Thanksgiving Break is perhaps the least
stress-ridden academic break of my college career, it packs no less of a punch
as I come to terms with an inevitable goodbye looming at the finish line. Just
as the floodgates behind my eyes breech maximum capacity for the countless
time, Angels in the Architecture begins to play. I wouldn’t necessarily
call it a religious experience, but I will confess that in that moment, the
presence of angels has never been more apparent.
in the Architecture
is a fifteen-minute piece and for all of those fifteen minutes I sat and listened
as I thought about the angels in my life. I thought about who they are, where
they come from, where I’ve found them, and where they’ve found me… On any given
day I am graced with more angels than I deserve, but today I’m focusing on one:
Anderson Mambwe.
Anderson arrived in America March 8, 2012 by the grace of OMNI: Orphan Medical Network International and Seeds of Hope Ministries to have a reconstructive surgery on both feet that were severely misshapen due to a rare birth defect - an operation that, if performed in Zambia, would have resulted in a double above-the-knee amputation. On a life-altering journey to America and 21st century medicine, Anderson has been a source of pure joy for those of us who have shared in the pieces of his journey.
possesses an infectious love of life, a contagious wonder of the world and all
things in it, and a smile that puts the lights of NYC to shame. He has taught
me more about the good side of humanity than I ever knew existed and I can’t
begin to imagine what my life would be like having never met him – just as I
can’t imagine my world without him as a part of my daily life.
I have read
and re-read a column by Stephanie Koehler called “Waiting for Fireflies” and
I’ve found this segment to best exemplify life in the presence of this young
man. “I too, know people I would characterize as fireflies. People who go
unnoticed in the glare of sunlight – but given the right circumstances, they
give off a spectacular glow. They are not typically “flashy” people. Quite the
opposite really. They don’t really try to shine – it’s just who they are. It’s
part of their being. The source of their light is often mysterious – or at
least not obvious – but they are undeniably attractive to be around.”
Anderson is
a firefly.
He’ll begin
his journey back to Zambia tomorrow morning able to walk on his own two feet in
his very own shoes for the very first time in his 18 years of living. In his
wake, Anderson leaves behind former strangers turned forever family by the bricks
and mortar he may never know he so significantly placed.
As I put
together a scrapbook that can’t help but fall short of doing justice to the
undeniable impact Anderson has had in all of our lives, I think of the moments
when these weren’t memories. While I am deeply saddened by the rapidly disintegrating
time to create more, I’m forever grateful for the opportunity we’ve had to make
them in the first place. I am constantly amazed by the mosaic life creates in passing,
and I treasure that he has been a part of mine.
This will
be a goodbye of record-breaking difficulty. There will undoubtedly always be an
Anderson-shaped hole in my heart – but perhaps it’s the perfect treasure chest
for these memories to weather the test of time.
I will
greet the shadows that will surely follow his departure with open arms knowing
that the sun must set to rise. I have all the faith in the world that as the
sun fades on his chapter in our lives, he’ll rise with it tomorrow, brighter
than ever before ready to change the world one sure-footed step at a time. His
future is locked and loaded with more potential than the average human would
know what to do with – but he’s no average human.
We talked
one day about the 7 wonders of the world and as he flies into the sky on his
journey home, I’d like to offer an 8th. You see, the stars are a
unique bond that binds this universe. At any point, from any place on this
earth, we share the same stars – the only difference is the vantage point. So
when I miss him more than words can say, I will look to the sky and know that
we share that piece of architecture.
To my brother,
Anderson Mambwe, who’s inextinguishable light transcends every shadow of the
valley of death, thank you for the hope you’ve given me, the faith you’ve
restored in me, and for the light you are in my life. I wish for you safest
travels home and the very best this life and this world has to offer. You will
always be an angel in the architecture of my life – my world is forever a
better place and I a better person for the time I’ve spent encompassed by your
unconditional love and vibrant light.
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Though the miles lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles... It's measured by the heart. |
I hope and
pray to the heavens and back that the winds of life will blow our sails in such
a direction that eventually our journeys overlap again, but until then, I will
look to the sky, I’ll pick the brightest star and I’ll watch you shine.
Walk tall,
stand strong & love fearlessly.
It doesn't matter how far you are, we're right behind you.
Angels in the Architecture by Frank Ticheli at jwpepper.com. Concert Band Sheet Music. Here is a major work for concert bands sure to become a landma. psychic development courses